Since my first Yoga class I am filled with enormous gratitude to walk this touching path. The first years were guided by Iyengar- and Anusara- Schools, where I started to discover my body and that beyond. Exploring the world and its miracles I spent quite some time abroad, and Yoga always was this loyal companion and taught me so much about impermanence and eternity. Life brought me to most wonderful teachers who inspire and nourish until today.

I teach a precise dynamic Yoga with focus on the breath and awareness on the inner form of the asanas. Strong physical elements and alignment are part of the lessons as well as subtle energy work and space for stillness.

From all my heart I am sharing the experiences of my practice and my love for singing and music. With my two children I live in Zurich and work as a secondary school teacher.



  • Begin of Yoga practice with Vasili Vlachos, Founder Iyengar-Yoga-Center Zurich


  • Study of Hotel-&Hospitality-Management Schweizerische Hotelfachschule Luzern
  • Hospitality industry Switzerland and abroad
  • Social worker in Zurich
  • English teacher in Nepal


  • First Anusara-Workshops und Immersions
  • Ashtanga-Masterclasses


  • Seven months of intensive Yoga studies with Agama Yoga in Thailand
  • Hridaya-Meditation with Sahajananda

2010-2011 India

  • Satsang with Mooji – Meditation
  • Hatha-Yoga studies with Surinder Singh and TKV Desikachar


  • Teachertraining in Zurich with
  • Clive Radda, Stephen Thomas, Michael Hamilton, Alexa Lê, Glenn Black

Since 2010

  • Yogateacher in Zurich

Since 2011

  • Monthly Kirtan-Nights with the band Shaktishuttlez


  • Studies at Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich, Sekundarstufe I

Since 2016

  • Secondary school teacher in Zurich

In infinite gratitude: Mooji, Shivashakti, Chameli Ardagh, Jack Kornfield, Jeff Foster
Surinder Singh, Anna Samui, Sahajananda, Agamayoga, Stephen Thomas, Katchie Ananda, Vasili Vlachos, Pius&Carlos, Sianna Sherman.